My passion as a photographer has been in the exploration and creation of portraits and portraiture. The creation of various types and style of portraiture from headshots to full creative scenes is a great passion of mine. I am always happy to take the time to help people find their look, there own styles and uniqueness. Whether this is through simple discussing concept ideas, explaining paperwork and the process of creation. To mentoring, demonstrating posing techniques, and organising creative shoots and group scenes.
An addition area I specialise in is mentoring, teaching and education of both people looking to develop their knowledge, abilities and skills both in front of the camera and behind. I have found great pleasure sharing my knowledge, offering advice and support to both photographers and models/people alike. Seeing others succeed, develop their confidence, their abilities to achieve amazing results.
I am open and available for a variety of work and can offer creative solutions to a variety of creative commissions and working environments. I am consistently exploring different and new approaches to photography , working with people and companies across the United Kingdom
People, Alternative Disney, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Fallout 2023
Achievements :
FdA Exhibition 2019 BA Photography First Class Honours, Fellowship Mentor 2019
Published by:
Help For Heroes, Army Cadet Force, National Press, Twisted Edge, Nightmares and dreamz, Creative Photography Magazine, The Photogs Journal, Bold & Beautiful Magazine